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Second Blog Post Test

I really just needed to test that the switcher worked (it didn't for like 9 hours) holy shit I hate javascript hate hate hate hate


Haha! I have a lil webzone. Neat! It’s a bit boring right now because I need a break from CSS after making a functioning Lightwave 3.5 recreation. That took all my effort and so now the content looks a bit boring because I really can’t be arsed at this current moment but oh well, that can come after, now it’s all functioning and the overall vibe is right.

It was hella fun though, super tricky and frustrating at times but that just made it all the more rewarding when it did work! Having a lil space on the internet is fun, I’ve been making lil things for the internet for ages but never really put in the effort to actually have something that I made, from scratch with my bare hands. I do now though biiiiitch.

I feel like it could be more though so I’ll keep at it whenever I have a spark of inspiration. Shoutout to Diggon for making a sick youtube video that inspired the whole thing. As soon as I got through it I was like ok, I actually gotta do this. And she was right! It was fun as heck!

As a distinctly not social media kinda guy this is a nice space to just throw out thoughts and keep all my doodads in one place whenever I wanna show someone! Like when I visit my mum and she’s like ‘what are you up to these days Liam?” and I’ll be like ‘ mum!’.

Plus! It's all mine! I don't have to fill out any content I don't want and I can add a bunch of crap that would never go on social media!

Anyway this one’s kinda erratic, I’m just kinda keen that it exists and wanted to log that, I’ll probably say something with coherence and a point next time. I often find myself with a train of thought I wanna share but I had no medium, not outlet y’know? UNTIL TODAY!

Do hang around, I will be back with more content. Uh I might have to figure out a way so that people get updated with each new blog post or something, I've never had a blog before so this is kinda out of my wheelhouse I guess.